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The Staub Mantle

Posted by on October 30, 2009

It’s been a bit crazy around here.

Work (at my “real job”) has been hectic and busy …a good thing…, I’ve started back to school to finally finish a software engineering degree ...another good thing…, and now I’ve been contacted by a designer specializing in fireboxes and mantles who’s sending work my way …a very good thing.

The first piece she sent me is called the Staub Mantle. This is a painted piece, more of what I would consider carpentry than fine woodworking, but it was a fun piece to build nonetheless. One of the best parts of this particular job was it gave me an excuse to finally buy an Earlex HV5000 HVLP sprayer (review to come) to paint it. Since it was shipped, I had to crate is up as well…another first for me.

I think it came out pretty well…

Staub Mantle

Staub Mantle



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