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Blog Archives

Rock ‘n Roll Basement

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

Shortly after moving into our home in 2003, I began to dream of building a home theater in the basement. It would feature a frame and panel proscenium, wainscoting, and super cool reclining leather theater seats. Then we started having kids and priorities changed…dramatically. A few years later a new plan emerged – it was … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling | Leave a comment

Setting the stage

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

The Stage The main focal point for the music area is the stage. With only 7′ of height to work with under the drop ceiling, it would need to be a fairly small step up. 2×3’s would fit the bill here, topped with 5/8″ OSB. I added additional support under the area where the drum set … Continue reading »

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Fuzzy Walls

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

I spent a good deal of time contemplating the wall covering below the chair rail. I didn’t see traditional wainscoting here…it called for something different. I turned again to my collection of inspirational images I’d assembled from the web. The recurring theme here was rectangles. My favorite image of the lot was a wall panel built of … Continue reading »

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Picky Media Cabinet

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

I love doing fine woodworking and remodeling. I’m not fond, however, of building basic cabinets and honestly wasn’t interested in spending any real time on the cabinetry. Unfortunately, after a fairly extensive search, it appeared that if I wanted a shallow base cabinet with a configuration anywhere near what I envisioned, I’d need to build … Continue reading »

Categories: Woodworking, Furniture, Media Center, Remodeling | Leave a comment

This Cabinet Goes To 11!

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

With apologies to Nigel Tufnel… Shortly before completing the cabinet, I began considering the hardware – what to do for drawer pulls and knobs? Nothing off-the-shelf appealed to me, so I started searching for an alternative. In the end I modified some Marshall stack gold-top volume knobs for drawer pulls and some very cool, retro “chicken … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking | Leave a comment