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Tagged With: cherry

A Bunk Bed for My Superheroes

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series X-Men Bunk Bed

UPDATE Based on some excellent feedback, I’ve made some changes to the design. The front rail was a bit troublesome from both a design and stability perspective. I’ve replaced it with 1-1/4″ tube steel posts extending from the head and foot of the top bunk, with angles that mimic the back “X”.   UPDATED DESIGN … Continue reading »

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The Neck

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Building an Acoustic Guitar

My lovely wife spent her weekend watching the kids and provided me with nearly two full days of shop time. In the intervening days I’d decided I wanted to build one of the guitars from cherry. I have a rather large stockpile and had read somewhere that Martin made/makes a “sustainable” series out of cherry, … Continue reading »

Categories: Guitar Building | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Finishing Touches

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

An Old Coat Rack When I was a kid, I used to spend a fair amount of time in the garage playing with my dad’s “tools.” I use quotes because I believe his entire collection consisted of little more than a handsaw, an old bright orange Sears power drill, and a few random screw drivers. … Continue reading »

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Building the “Wings”

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

Now We’re Getting Somewhere The front came out so nice, I’ve updated the design to include frame-and-panel side wings instead of plain edge-banded cherry ply as I had originally envisioned. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and there hasn’t been much shop time available, but I’ve scraped together enough hours — usually after bedtime … Continue reading »

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Constructing the Frame and Panels

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

Birdseye Maple on Cherry The design for the top panel calls for birdseye maple. It seemed a shame to use my only piece of birdseye maple up on just one project. I decided to resaw the board. A few passes through my old Grizzly G1066 sander later and I had a beautiful 3/32″ sheet of … Continue reading »

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Puppet Theater

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

The other night my wife’s best friend’s daughter stopped by to help out with the kids while we ran some errands and completed some chores. She showed them a new game. They spent the evening in the basement hiding behind a blanket draped over a couple chairs, putting on puppet shows with the numerous dolls … Continue reading »

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“Growth Rings” Serving Tray

It’s been a very busy summer and I opted to spend most of my free time with my family rather than in the shop. Other than a couple cutting boards (after seeing all the cool ones posted at in the past few months I just had to try a few myself!), I really haven’t … Continue reading »

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Finally Complete

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series A Crib for Nathan

It’s been difficult finding time to complete this project. When you come home after work to two toddlers, a baby and an exhausted wife, it’s extremely difficult to then suggest you’d like to head out to the shop for a couple hours! “Disappearing” into the shop on weekends can be equally problematic. Nevertheless, we worked … Continue reading »

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Filling in the Blanks

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Boy's Cherry and Walnut Dresser

One of my favorite features of the top, is actually technically a defect — a quarter-sized knot hole. While both my wife and I agreed that it added “character” to the top, I couldn’t simply leave it as it was; it was large enough to swallow up small objects whole and naturally not very stable. … Continue reading »

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Dead Flat

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Boy's Cherry and Walnut Dresser

I love my “new” drum sander. I purchased the used machine for the purpose of sanding shop-cut veneers and inlay woods. However, with a 23-1/2″ capacity, it is capable of so much more. I first cut my teeth with this thing on the side panels. Now it was time to glue up the top — … Continue reading »

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