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Monthly Archives: March 2015

This Cabinet Goes To 11!

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

With apologies to Nigel Tufnel… Shortly before completing the cabinet, I began considering the hardware – what to do for drawer pulls and knobs? Nothing off-the-shelf appealed to me, so I started searching for an alternative. In the end I modified some Marshall stack gold-top volume knobs for drawer pulls and some very cool, retro “chicken … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking | Leave a comment

Picky Media Cabinet

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

I love doing fine woodworking and remodeling. I’m not fond, however, of building basic cabinets and honestly wasn’t interested in spending any real time on the cabinetry. Unfortunately, after a fairly extensive search, it appeared that if I wanted a shallow base cabinet with a configuration anywhere near what I envisioned, I’d need to build … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking, Furniture, Media Center | Leave a comment

Fuzzy Walls

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

I spent a good deal of time contemplating the wall covering below the chair rail. I didn’t see traditional wainscoting here…it called for something different. I turned again to my collection of inspirational images I’d assembled from the web. The recurring theme here was rectangles. My favorite image of the lot was a wall panel built of … Continue reading »

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