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This Cabinet Goes To 11!

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

With apologies to Nigel Tufnel… Shortly before completing the cabinet, I began considering the hardware – what to do for drawer pulls and knobs? Nothing off-the-shelf appealed to me, so I started searching for an alternative. In the end I modified some Marshall stack gold-top volume knobs for drawer pulls and some very cool, retro “chicken … Continue reading »

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Picky Media Cabinet

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

I love doing fine woodworking and remodeling. I’m not fond, however, of building basic cabinets and honestly wasn’t interested in spending any real time on the cabinetry. Unfortunately, after a fairly extensive search, it appeared that if I wanted a shallow base cabinet with a configuration anywhere near what I envisioned, I’d need to build … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking, Furniture, Media Center | Leave a comment

Rock ‘n Roll Basement

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Rock 'n Roll Basement

Shortly after moving into our home in 2003, I began to dream of building a home theater in the basement. It would feature a frame and panel proscenium, wainscoting, and super cool reclining leather theater seats. Then we started having kids and priorities changed…dramatically. A few years later a new plan emerged – it was … Continue reading »

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Some Long Overdue Shop Upgrades

Although I’m rather anxious to make progress on the acoustic guitar project, the recent departure of a close family friend caused me to shift gears briefly to build them a going away present. During the glue-up process, I was frustrated by the lack of suitable bench space. My old glue up table was a $50 … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking, Workshop Addition, Jigs & Tools | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Photosynthing the “Room at Pooh Corner”

Though it’s apparently been public for around a year now, I’ve only just discovered Microsoft’s I really wanted to create one of my workshop — but alas, I’ve been too busy with family stuff this summer to clean up after my last project. So, rather than create a synth of a messy shop, I … Continue reading »

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Circus-themed Baby’s Room

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Boy's Cherry and Walnut Dresser

With the days of (relative) sanity in our home rapidly coming to an end — the impending birth of our third child — I was eager to finish his bedroom. For our first child, I pulled out all the stops. With no children in the home, time was a commodity we had in spades. When … Continue reading »

Categories: Remodeling | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Simply Done

I had higher hopes for the finished room — some custom cabinetry and perhaps some painted details — but in the end, I settled for “neat, organized and finished.” On a friend’s suggestion I hacked off the lower two cabinets from an old built-in desk unit that was in the basement (and before that in … Continue reading »

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A Fresh Coat of Many Colors (of Paint)

This past weekend, Mother’s Day weekend, I gave my wife what every mother wants: a silver “mother and family” necklace and a freshly-painted garage! Mixology Originally I was planning on heading out to HD and buying a gallon or so of “oops” paint (ya know, the stuff that they mix by mistake and sell dirt … Continue reading »

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Garage Remodel

Now that the shop is pretty much complete and the weather’s turned a bit more spring-like, I’ve decided to tackle the garage. Since I no longer need it for woodworking, save the odd large-piece assembly, we’re going to revert the space back to a more traditional use: car, bike and outdoor-kid-toy-storage. In addition, we’ll be … Continue reading »

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Over the long holiday weekend I only managed to sneak in roughly a day and a half of work on the shop. Between Friday afternoon and Saturday I secured the base cabinets, assembled the “floating” top for the DeWalt 706 miter saw, and built the three countertops. Not too bad considering the time.

Categories: Remodeling, Woodworking, Workshop Addition | Tags: | Leave a comment