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Posted by on August 22, 2007

…wait a bit longer. Initial inspections were completed last week — electrical, plumbing, insulation, house-wrap, etc. This week the crew finished the rest of the siding. Yesterday the drywallers came in and hung the sheet rock ceiling. On Monday, my order of pine 8″ T&G siding for the interior walls arrived, and I picked up some “utility grade” Oak hardwood flooring for the floors.

Now, it’s just about my turn to get crackin on the interior! Unfortunately this will have to wait since my wife is working all weekend and I don’t think Annalise (19mos.) and Sean (7mos.) are quite ready to help their Dad yet!

In the meantime, work on the final time-lapse video continues and plans are underway for the inaugural poker game sometime near the end of September.

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