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Blog Archives

One Tough Customer

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series A Crib for Nathan

Now that he’s arrived, I need to get crackin’ on a crib for our latest addition. As with the cribs I built for Annalise and Sean, I wanted to use an “off the shelf” plan to ensure it complies with the latest safety standards as well as to make it easier to fit it with … Continue reading »

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Finally Complete

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series A Crib for Nathan

It’s been difficult finding time to complete this project. When you come home after work to two toddlers, a baby and an exhausted wife, it’s extremely difficult to then suggest you’d like to head out to the shop for a couple hours! “Disappearing” into the shop on weekends can be equally problematic. Nevertheless, we worked … Continue reading »

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