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Building an Acoustic Guitar

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Building an Acoustic Guitar

A few years back I was conversing with a co-worker and fellow guitar player. Aware I was an amateur woodworker, he suggested I build a guitar. “Luthiery requires special tools and skills…training. Naw, I couldn’t do that,” I said. Google search. Fast forward to last year when essentially out-of-the-blue I recall this conversation and start … Continue reading »

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The “Veronica” Puppet Theater

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

Upon seeing the version I built for my kids this past Christmas, my brother-in-law suggested that his daughter, Veronica, might like one as well. I’d already fielded a few requests for these and figured I really needed to come up with a more practical design — something a bit more portable/shippable and lighter weight. The … Continue reading »

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Opening Night!

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

Rehearsals are over, costumes and makeup finalized, and last minute script changes incorporated. On Christmas morning, the curtain went up on the new Jaromin Family Puppet Theater!

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Finishing Touches

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

An Old Coat Rack When I was a kid, I used to spend a fair amount of time in the garage playing with my dad’s “tools.” I use quotes because I believe his entire collection consisted of little more than a handsaw, an old bright orange Sears power drill, and a few random screw drivers. … Continue reading »

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The Intarsia Comedy/Tragedy Masks

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

A New Technique When I first designed the theater, I knew it needed something in the top arched panel. To me, the most natural thing would be the traditional comedy/tragedy masks. Although I’ve done a number of inlays in the past, it seemed like this called for something more dimensional, like a carving. Unfortunately, the … Continue reading »

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Building the “Wings”

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Puppet Theater

Now We’re Getting Somewhere The front came out so nice, I’ve updated the design to include frame-and-panel side wings instead of plain edge-banded cherry ply as I had originally envisioned. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and there hasn’t been much shop time available, but I’ve scraped together enough hours — usually after bedtime … Continue reading »

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Their First Woodworking Show

The annual woodworking show is this town weekend and I was determined to stop in to pick up some basic supplies that I can’t typically find locally in bulk. I thought it might be fun to bring the older two kids along. This turned out to be a great idea as the show ended up … Continue reading »

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The One Where Bosley Gets New Cabinet Doors…

My little shop got a workout this weekend when gal pals Kathy, Cathy and Tracy spent Saturday building new cabinet doors. “The Angels,” as they’re known to workout pals, picked up irons of the domestic variety to apply preglued birch edgebanding to simple plywood doors for a client of Kathy’s. I think Charlie would have … Continue reading »

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Santa Brought Me a Landshark

Or, more accurately a “Shark Guard” by LeeWay Workshop. Installation I’ve only had the opportunity to install this today, so I haven’t really had a chance to put it through its paces. However, so far I am impressed. The improvised packaging the unit arrived in was demonstrative of its small shop origins; the actual contents, … Continue reading »

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Filling in the Blanks

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Boy's Cherry and Walnut Dresser

One of my favorite features of the top, is actually technically a defect — a quarter-sized knot hole. While both my wife and I agreed that it added “character” to the top, I couldn’t simply leave it as it was; it was large enough to swallow up small objects whole and naturally not very stable. … Continue reading »

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