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Author Archives: Patrick Jaromin

Isolation Milling a Custom PC Board

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Foosball Scorekeeper

While the finish was curing on my latest guitar project … and while I worked out how to fix some issues with inadvertant overspray … I turned my attention to another interest: electronics. The kids and I have been playing around lately with Arduino. OK, well mostly me, but I’ve managed to catch the interest … Continue reading »

Categories: Electronics | Leave a comment

Hands-on with the Shaper Origin!

When I was first searching for a CNC to add to my shop, I ran across an odd tool called the Shaper Origin. The tool was in essence a self-correcting router that works like a hand-held CNC machine. I spent some time watching the videos on their site and reading through the blog. It was … Continue reading »

Categories: Woodworking, Jigs & Tools | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Digital Abalone

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Sapele Tele

For this guitar I wanted to do something a bit different for the fret markers. Though I considered a somewhat elaborate inlay like the previous two, for this one I was thinking of something a bit simpler and unique. As I’m in software engineering I’d been toying with the idea of essentially labeling the fret … Continue reading »

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Finishing Up the Body

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Sapele Tele

Ouch! When I was prepping to cut out the body on the CNC, I knew I didn’t have a long enough bit or enough Z height to cut the entire way through from the top. I considered cutting half-way through from the bottom first and then flipping it over, but I was anxious that I … Continue reading »

Categories: Guitar Building, Luthiery | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

My First CNC Guitar: a Sapele Telecaster

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Sapele Tele

With the CNC up and running it was time to try it out on my first guitar. I’d already decided the next would be a Telecaster thinline out of Sapele with a Maple cap. A “Sapele Tele.” I found a PDF online of a classic Telecaster body. This was opened in CorelDraw! where I was … Continue reading »

Categories: Guitar Building, Luthiery, Woodworking | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

First Impressions: Stepcraft-2/600 CNC

It started innocently enough. The woman who was doing engraving work on my guitars was suddenly out of business. When I started searching the web for alternatives, I was presented with dozens of results for engraving machines and very few for services. This got me thinking that I could maybe just do it myself — buy … Continue reading »

Categories: Woodworking, Jigs & Tools, Guitar Building, Luthiery | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Chain Reaction

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Atomic Age Surfcaster

As this is the “Atomic Age” Surfcaster, it seems fitting to inlay an atom on the 12th fret. I’m naming the fretboard inlay design “Chain Reaction.” The basic idea is this is the chain reaction leading to the “nuclear burst” finish applied to the body and headstock. I wanted to do something colorful and beyond … Continue reading »

Categories: Luthiery, Guitar Building | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Simple Machine Shop Upgrade

I love my shop. The power tools, the hand tools, the padded luthier workbench, and the integrated dust collection. Especially the dust collection. One point of frustration however, is the relatively limited storage space. And so I’ve had to find spaces in every crevice and corner, and install shelving and hooks around the wood-paneled walls. … Continue reading »

Categories: Jigs & Tools | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Inlaying My New Logo!

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Atomic Age Surfcaster

Now that I’ve a new logo, time to get it inlaid into the headstock. I again used the “iron on” trick to transfer the laser-printed logo line art to a pearl blank and then cut it out by hand with a jeweler’s saw and fine tooth blade. I then staged the pieces on a bit … Continue reading »

Categories: Guitar Building, Luthiery | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

My New (Not-So-)Secret Identity

Building guitars is becoming a bit of an obsession. Funnily enough I know two other guys in my software engineering group who are also luthiers – perhaps it’s contagious? In order to support this habit without going broke I’ve decided I need to begin offering my guitars for sale. And for that, I’d need an … Continue reading »

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