Tagged With: drums
Beat Boxes: Building Cajones with the Kids, part 2
Painting and Finishing This weekend we painted and finished our cajones. Sean’s was constructed from furniture-grade mahogany veneer plywood, so this one would be finished with a natural finish. The girls wanted flowers, butterflies, and ladybugs. Nathan had his heart set on a monster. Since I’m entirely unable to draw any of these things well, … Continue reading
Categories: Uncategorized
Tags: kids in the shop, music, cajon, drums, musical instrument
Beat Boxes: Building Cajones with the Kids, part 1
One of my (sadly now former) co-workers is an amazing drummer. As in professional-studio-musician-in-another-life amazing. I would spend quite a bit of time chatting with him about music and his experience as a working musician. Shortly before his departure he mentioned to me at the Chicago Drum Show was coming to town in my neck of the … Continue reading
Categories: Woodworking
Tags: music, cajon, drums, musical instrument, kids in the shop
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