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Tagged With: jointer

A Couple Minor Shop Enhancements

Over the last couple months things in the shop have been fairly quiet…mainly due to things in the house being more noisy! Of course, our now 5-month-old son Nathan’s an absolute joy and easily the least-demanding baby of the three. This weekend I snuck away for a bit to put the finishing touches on my … Continue reading »

Categories: Workshop Addition, Jigs & Tools | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Short But Productive Weekend

Countertops I’ve been dying to start stowing my tools away in the newly built shop cabinets — getting them both organized and out of the garage where they’re making it difficult to keep the car. The last remaining obstacle is finishing the countertops. Not that I couldn’t finish them with the drawers full…but some time … Continue reading »

Categories: Workshop Addition | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment